Press Release

About the Traffic Safety Class

A traffic safety class for all 264 students of Hamada Municipal Daisan Junior High School (Shimane Prefecture) held on April 21st in cooperation with Hamada Police Station in Shimane Prefecture.

April 25th, 2022    Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture; President: Shigehiro Komaru) and the Komaru Koutsu Foundation (Chief Director: Shigehiro Komaru) held a traffic safety class for all 264 students of Hamada Municipal Daisan Junior High School (Shimane Prefecture) on April 21st in cooperation with Hamada Police Station in Shimane Prefecture. Its traffic safety class was conducted as the first such event in Shimane Prefecture.

In response to a request from the Hamada Police Station, which aims to prevent traffic accidents involving children as part of the Shimane Prefectural Police Headquarters' "Business Firms Campaign to Protect Children and the Elderly from Traffic Accidents", we provided hands-on learning about danger prediction using drive recorder footage and a bicycle simulator. The students commented, "I will always slow down at intersections and check both sides of the road before passing."

We will continue our efforts to raise traffic safety awareness in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents involving children to the minimum possible.

Komaru Koutsu Foundation was founded on September 9th, 2013 to promote traffic safety awareness, hosting various traffic safety lectures in Elementary schools across Japan and carrying out educational activities to prevent traffic accidents. Overseas, it holds Japanese composition speech contests to provide opportunities for students to present the results of their Japanese language studies and to promote cultural exchange with Japan and also raise awareness of traffic safety that is relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we support.

【Relevant sustainable Development Goals】

(Traffic safety class using trucks)


Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd.
Public Relations IR Office: Attn: Mr. Murata / Ms. Doi
〒135-0044 3-6-15 Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo
TEL +813-3643-0292  FAX +813-3643-3730