Press Release

About the traffic safety class

A traffic safety class on July 5th at Kurishima Elementary School in Kitanagoya City (Aichi Prefecture) for 112 students in the first and second grades.

July 14th, 2022    A traffic safety class for 70 students of third- and fourth-graders at Kitakyushu Municipal Sayagatani Elementary School (Fukuoka Prefecture) held on July 13th, in collaboration with the Tobata Police Station of Fukuoka Prefecture.

Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd. (Head office: Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture; President: Shigehiro Komaru) and the Komaru Koutsu Foundation (Chief Director: Shigehiro Komaru) held a traffic safety class for 70 students of third- and fourth-graders at Kitakyushu Municipal Sayagatani Elementary School (Fukuoka Prefecture) on July13th, in collaboration with the Tobata Police Station of Fukuoka Prefecture.

The school district of Sayagatani Elementary School is located on an arterial road with heavy vehicle traffic, and at the request of the Tobata Police Station, which wants to prevent traffic accidents with large vehicles during the summer holiday period, the students were provided with hands-on learning about preventing traffic accidents at intersections and pedestrian crossings. The students experienced first-hand the characteristics and dangers of trucks. They commented on how the experience strengthened their awareness of traffic safety, for example, "If a truck approaches me at a pedestrian crossing, I will take one step back and wait". We will continue to work with Municipal police and local authorities to raise traffic safety awareness in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents involving children, even by one.

Komaru Koutsu Foundation was founded on September 9th, 2013 to promote traffic safety awareness, hosting various traffic safety lectures in Elementary schools across Japan and carrying out educational activities to prevent traffic accidents. Overseas, it holds Japanese composition speech contests to provide opportunities for students to present the results of their Japanese language studies and to promote cultural exchange with Japan and also raise awareness of traffic safety that is relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we support.

【Relevant sustainable Development Goals】

(Instruction of the difference between the inner wheels of a truck)

(Explanation of blind spots in truck cabs)


Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd.
Public Relations IR Office: Attn: Mr. Murata / Ms. Doi
〒135-0044 3-6-15 Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo
TEL +813-3643-0292  FAX +813-3643-3730