Press Release

Implementation of Traffic Safety Class

A traffic safety class held on trucks for 330 students of third-year at Okayama City Public Ryuso Junior High School in Okayama Prefecture on October 25th.

October 26th, 2021    Fukuyama Transporting Co., LTD (Head Office: Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture; President: Shigehiro Komaru) and the Komaru Koutsu Foundation (Chief Director: Shigehiro Komaru) held a traffic safety class on trucks for 330 students of third-year at Okayama City Public Ryuso Junior High School in Okayama Prefecture on October 25th.

In response to the request from the Okayama Central Police Station, the class was designed to help students understand the rules, manners, and methods of riding bicycles safely and to raise their awareness of traffic safety, due to the high number of bicycle accidents in the school district. In response to the request from the Okayama Central Police Station, the students learned about hazard prediction in their discussion using images from a drive recorder. The students commented that they would like to take actions to protect their own lives, such as pausing at intersections with poor visibility.

Komaru Koutsu Foundation was founded on September 9th, 2013 to promote traffic safety awareness, hosting various traffic safety lectures in Elementary schools across Japan and carrying out educational activities to prevent traffic accidents. Furthermore, a Japanese composition speech contest is being held in oversea to provide opportunities for presenting Japanese language education, experience cultural exchange and spreads awareness of traffic safety.

(Traffic safety class using a drive recorder)
Please contact us for inquiries regarding the image file.

Contact (Japanese Only)

Public Relations IR Office, Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd.
Address: 3-6-15 Etchujima, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0044, Japan
TEL 03-3643-0292  FAX 03-3643-3730