Press Release

Implementation of Traffic Safety Class

In order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, the class was held online with the gymnasium.

September 24th, 2021    Fukuyama Transporting Co., LTD. (Head office: Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture; President: Shigehiro Komaru) and the Komaru Koutsu Foundation (Chief Director: Shigehiro Komaru) held a traffic safety class on trucks for 411 students at Okayama Prefectural Seto High School on September 24. In order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, the class was held online with the gymnasium

Since many students at Seto Senior High School commute to school by bicycle, the school requested the class to help them understand the rules, manners, and riding techniques necessary to ride a bicycle safely, and to raise their awareness of traffic safety. In response to the school's request, we had the students learn about hazard prediction in a discussion format using video footage from a drive recorder. The students commented, "I will always pause at intersections with poor visibility.

The Komaru Koutsu Foundation was established on September 9, 2013, with the aim of promoting and raising awareness of traffic safety. The foundation holds traffic safety classes at elementary schools nationwide and conducts educational activities to prevent traffic accidents. It also provides opportunities for students studying Japanese overseas to present the results of their studies, and holds Japanese composition speech contests to raise awareness of traffic safety and promote cultural exchange.

(Using a drive recorder in a traffic safety class)


Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd.
Public Relations IR Office: Attn: Mr. Murata / Ms. Doi
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