Press Release

The Traffic Safety Class

Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd. and Komaru Koutsu Foundation held a traffic safety education class for 90 students of Itoshima Municipal Fukuyoshi Junior High School (Fukuoka Prefecture) on April 25 jointly with Fukuoka Prefectural Itoshima Police Station.

May 2th, 2023    Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd. (Head office: Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture; President: Shigehiro Komaru) and Komaru Koutsu Foundation (Chief Director: Shigehiro Komaru) held a traffic safety education class for 90 students of Itoshima Municipal Fukuyoshi Junior High School (Fukuoka Prefecture) on April 25 jointly with Fukuoka Prefectural Itoshima Police Station.

Upon the start of the new fiscal year, the school would like to prevent traffic accidents by raising awareness of traffic safety, especially for those commuting by bicycle. We conducted hands-on experience learning danger prediction using drive recorder footage and a bicycle simulator to foster a deeper understanding of necessary traffic rules and manners when riding bicycles. They commented on how this course helped them to raise awareness of traffic safety, saying, "At intersections with bad visibility, I will make sure to pause before crossing.” To prevent and decrease the number of future traffic accidents among children, we will continue to promote traffic safety awareness in cooperation with police stations and local authorities.

Komaru Koutsu Foundation was established on September 9, 2013, to promote traffic safety awareness, hosting various traffic safety lectures in elementary schools across Japan and carrying out educational activities to prevent traffic accidents. Furthermore, the foundation supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing opportunities for students overseas studying Japanese to present the results of their studies and organizing Japanese composition speech contests to raise traffic safety awareness and promote cultural exchange with Japan.

【Applicable sustainable Development Goals】

(Danger prediction by using a drive recorder) (Riding experience by using a bicycle simulator)

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Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd.
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〒135-0044 3-6-15 Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo
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